Tristan Nickless
Nickless, T. (2025). An investigation of Australian public funding models for paediatric speech-language pathology and their congruence with scientific evidence. [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Melbourne].
Nickless, T., Davidson, B., Finch, S., Gold, L., & Dowell, R. (2024). Aligned or misaligned: Are public funding models for speech-language pathology reflecting recommended evidence? An exploratory survey of Australian speech-language pathologists. Health Policy OPEN, 6, 100117.
Allan, S., Kenny, B., & Nickless, T. (2024). Introduction to ethics and key ethical frameworks. In S. Allan (Ed.), Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners, (2nd ed.). Elsevier. E-Book ISBN: 9780729598798
Kenny, B., Nickless, T., & Allan, S. (2024). Key components of ethical reasoning and decision making. In S. Allan (Ed.), Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners, (2nd ed.). Elsevier. E-Book ISBN: 9780729598798
Nickless, T., Kenny, B., & Allan, S. (2024). Contemporary ethical issues in healthcare, collaboration, Leadership and Self-Care. In S. Allan (Ed.), Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners, (2nd ed.). Elsevier. E-Book ISBN: 9780729598798
Nickless, T., Gold, L., Dowell, R., & Davidson, B. (2023). The million-dollar question: What are the ethical considerations of public funding provisions for Australian speech-language pathologists engaged in independent practice?. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 25(2).
Nickless, T., Gold, L., Dowell, R., & Davidson, B. (2023). Public purse, private service: The perceptions of public funding models of Australian independent speech-language pathologists. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(3), 462-478.
Frowen, J., Schambre, M.A., Furlong, L.M., Smeets, K.B., Nickless. T.M. (2014). Using AusTOMs in Practice: Clinical Case Examples in Australian Therapy Outcome Measures (AusTOMs), Perry, A., & Skeat, J.
Skeat, J., Morgan, A., & Nickless. T., Talking EPC – speech pathologists’ views of the Enhanced Primary Care items four years on, in Australian Health Review, Journal of the Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association, Volume 34 (1), 25-29, March 2010.
Skeat, J., Morgan, A., & Nickless. T., “Playing by the rules” in Australian Family Physician, The Royal Australasian College Of General Practitioners, Vol. 38, (4), 269-272, April 2009.
Nickless, T., “Men in Speech Pathology” in ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing (ACQ), Volume 11, (2) 114-115, October 2004.
Melinda Schambre
Serry, T., Seiler, A., Neilson, R., Leitao, S., Schambre, M., Westerveld, M. F., . . . Jones, E. (2016). Clinical guidelines for speech pathologists working in literacy. Retrieved from The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited.
Frowen, J., Schambre, M.A., Furlong, L.M., Smeets, K.B., Nickless. T.M. (2014). Using AusTOMs in Practice: Clinical Case Examples in Australian Therapy Outcome Measures (AusTOMs), Perry, A., & Skeat, J.
Schambre, M. A. (2009). My Top Ten Resources, Paediatric Literacy, ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing (ACQ) 11 (2). 114.
Tim Matheson
Matheson, T., Arnott, S., & Donaghy, M. (2023). Australian pre-service primary teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding stuttering. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(5), 710-721.